urbanelectrobasshop – high energetic – live!

olivia fx reflektiert die rauhe Vielfalt des multikulturellen Berlins. Live gespielte Drums, wabbernde Bässe, drahtige Synthies und explosiver Gesang werden begleitet von fetten Club Samples.

olivia fx demonstriert eine unkonventionelle Mischung globaler Musikstile, die das Publikum in Ekstase tanzen lässt.

A Berlin based band reflecting the divercity of Germanys raw multicultured capital. Live-dirty dynamic drums, subground phat bass, spiral keyboards and explosive vocals accompanied by saturated club samples.
olivia fx brings you a funky mixture of global styles combined with modern grooves, taking the audience into a frenzy of musical masterclass!

       New Album, get it on Bandcamp:

25 years olivia fx birthday edition

(24 BIT, highest quality)

olivia fx – Whizzled live

Upcoming Gigs

booking-contact: popeye(ÄT)olivia-fx.de







Latest Gigs

Sa, 20.04.2024 21:30 Supamolly, Berlin- 25 years olivia fx Konzert und Jungle/Drum and Bass-Party


Sa, 25.11.2023 KVU Berlin

Sa, 07.10.2023 Drum and Bass-Party Komplex Schwerin

Fr, 22.09.2023 20 Jahre Restrealität im About Blank, Berlin-wir eröffnen die Party um 21:30 im Garten

Sa, 09.09.2023 Atomkinderfestival-Unanbeatbar Schwarzenberg




olivia fx – 20th birthday bash live

olivia fx – Christ crossed Trump

olivia fx – live @ fusion festival

olivia fx – listen on soundcloud

olivia fx – 25th birthday bash live